Last year everyone was buying handbags for the apocalypse. And while the world hasn't exactly ended (yet), the trend of investing in luxury handbags is still very much a thing. Where else, after all, are we going to store our two face masks, hand sanitizer, and trauma from the past year? I don't know about you, but I'm personally looking to put all of mine into a Wandler bag. Wandler is the biggest bag brand you probably haven't heard of. The Amsterdam-based label launched in 2017 and was instantly a must-have in every fashion editor and influencer's closet. And it all started with Wandler's Hortensia bag.


Shop now: $1,080;

The signature style is a big half-moon silhouette that's more spacious than most New York City apartments. But in all seriousness, the Hortensia bag's instant popularity was in no doubt due to the fact that it was different, stylish, and seriously practical. Even when micro-bags skyrocketed in demand, Wandler kept gaining more and more traction with the big Hortensia bag. Chances are you may have even seen a style photo of an influencer double-fisting a microbag AND a Wandler bag. That's how beloved they are. And if you did happen to want a small bag, the Hortensia bag is actually available in three different sizes, from mini to medium to the OG big that was all over Instagram.

The brand went on to make more It bags named after friends and family members of the dutch designer Elza Wandler. There's the Georgia leather shoulder bag in a bright apple green hue and the medium two-toned Ava tote. In 2019, Wandler also launched shoes, and there's a zero percent chance you didn't see the Joanna slide sandal all over social media during the summer (it's on sale at Nordstrom for $212). And now that winter is finally here, it feels like every other girl with an enviable closet owns the brand's leather Lina boots featuring a sculptured winnowed heel. Not to mention, Wandler picked up plenty of celebrity fans along the way, like Gigi and Bella Hadid, Priyanka Chopra, and Margot Robbie.

And while every year has been big for the brand, it's definitely on track to be one of the biggest bag brands of 2021. For one, Wandler has already started off 2021 with a new limited-edition launch of the Candy collection, which is exactly what it sounds like. Timed to Valentine's Day, the Candy Collection features the famous Ava, Carly, and yes, Hortensia, in shades of orange, pink, and red so vibrant you'll want to eat them. And while we'd advise against eating luxury bags crafted from deadstock leather, we can't say we don't see where you're coming from.


Shop now: $480;

Think of Wandler like one of fashion's best-kept secrets. All of the fashion insiders already know about it but are trying to keep it on the DL. But they're not necessarily doing the best job — the bags sell out quickly at Nordstrom whenever they're restocked, and with Valentine's Day and the apocalypse coming up, we can't possibly imagine a better gift to give ourselves.

Shop the limited-edition Candy collection at and the next big It bags of 2021 at Nordstrom, below.

Wandler Nana Leather Saddle Bag


Shop now: $660;

Wandler Hortensia Mini Leather Bag


Shop now: $810;

Wandler Georgia Leather Shoulder Bag


Shop now: $850;

Wandler Mini Pink Hortensia Bag


Shop now: $810;

Wandler Luna Arch Leather Shoulder Bag


Shop now: $920;

Wandler Mia Tote


Shop now: $970;

Wandle Mini Carly Leather Shoulder Bag


Shop now: $490;

Wandler Medium Ava Leather Tote


Shop now: $920;

Wandler Big Hortensia Bag

Shop now: $1,080;
