Bret Hart has a lot of opinions and Goldberg is a subject he’s not afraid to talk about.

While speaking to Prime Time With Sean Mooney, Bret Hart unloaded on Goldberg. He doesn’t think Goldberg deserves to be in the WWE Hall Of Fame and he threw shade at the number of wrestlers that Goldberg hurt in the ring, including himself.

“I wish that Bill Goldberg had never kicked me in the head as hard as he could. I don’t know how you give a guy a Hall of Fame thing for hurting as many wrestlers as Bill Goldberg hurt, and without consequence. He usually got a pat on the back and told how good of job he did out there, when you’re scraping the wrestler that worked with him off the mat. When Bill Goldberg kicked me in the head, I honest to God, I lost about 16 million dollars in like one second. I just signed with WCW for three million a year for another three years on top of the two years I had left on my original contract, so it was bad timing, and unfortunate.”

Hart also has a problem when who people thank in their induction speeches. Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, and Vince McMahon don’t deserve the credit in The Hitman’s eyes. The people who need to be thanked are the wrestlers that Hall Of Famer worked with through the years.

“So many wrestlers that were up there never thanked anybody. They thanked Stephanie, and they thanked Vince, and they thanked Triple H, and I thought it was such bullsh*t. They should thank the wrestlers that made them, and the wrestlers that worked with them. I was so disappointed at how so many of them never thanked the wrestlers that went to all the trouble to help them. Most of them had no recollection of anyone helping them.”

Goldberg and Bret Hart are likely never going to see eye to eye about a lot of things. It seems as if Bret is still a little upset at him for giving him that final concussion either. After all, Goldberg did apparently cost him $16 million in one second.

Thanks to Wrestling Inc for the quote

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
