I've never had the opportunity to watch Black, so I can't say how good he is or isn't. The consensus seems to be that Black is one of the best young men in all pro wrestling today. However, as much as it kills some people to admit this, there's a big difference between being great on the indy scene and great in arenas with 12,000 people and another 4.6-5 million people watching at home.

Every spot monkey, uncharismatic drone, glorifed jobber or overrated scrub on the indy circuit seems to have their own following of fans proclaiming them to be the greatest thing to happen to pro wrestling since Ric Flair. I know everyone knows what I'm talking about. We read the various posts on numerous wrestling sites all the time. That doesn't mean that there aren't damn fine, quality guys on the indy circuit of course, but it seems to be whole lot easier in general for you to come off as a star among indy crowds.

Seth Rollins, AKA Tyler Black, being in FCW for a few years isn't the end of the world. After all, isn't Rollins just 25 or 26 years old? On top of that, every report I've read suggests that Triple H is a huge fan of the guy, as well as Ambrose, and that's a great thing for Rollins in the long run. In a few years, Trips is pretty much going to be running things so having his support can only lead to good things. Also, a while back, I created a thread stating that, according to reports, Triple H doesn't want to bring FCW talent up to the main roster without WWE Creative having a solid storyline and gimmic ready for them. It'll mean that there'll be less guys moving up to the main roster from FCW from now on, but that's not really a bad thing as this will mean there's a much better chance of only the cream of the FCW crop making it up to the Raw or SD! rosters.
