How old is Seyi Tinubu? When is Seyi Tinubu's birthday? Where is Seyi Tinubu born? Where did Seyi Tinubu grow up from? What's Seyi Tinubu's age?
Seyi Tinubu Born: October 13, 1985 (age 37years)
Is Seyi Tinubu married? When did Seyi Tinubu get married? Who's Seyi Tinubu's married to? (Who's Seyi Tinubu's husband / wife)?
Seyi Tinubu Spouse: Layal Holm (m. 2016)
Seyi Tinubu Parents: Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Oluremi Tinubu
Seyi Tinubu Sibling: Jide Tinubu
Seyi Tinubu Education: The University of Buckingham (2010), MORE
Signed 2023 Electricity Bill into LawIn signing the electricity bill into law, Tinubu has now empowered state governments, companies and individuals to generate, distribute and transmit electricity.