Whether it's because the triple threat match didn't exist yet, or they just failed to book it that way, what are some instances where you believe 3 would have been better than 2? Here are 5 potential matches that stand out to me, in chronological order.

1. Tag Team Championship: Demolition (c) vs. Legion of Doom vs. Hart Foundation (SummerSlam 1990)

When Hawk and Animal arrived in WWE, they made of known from the start that their sights were set on Ax, Smash and Crush. They would even get involved in the SS90 match between Demolition and the Hart Foundation when Ax tried to give the champions an upper hand. One could even argue that this could have even been a fatal 4-way situation involving The Rockers, who would win the titles from the Hitman and Anvil 2 months later (though the title change would never be recognized by WWE due to the top rope breaking during this match). In the post-match interview, the LOD crashed the party again and Hawk would tell Okerlund when questioned, "We fit in however we want."

2. WWE Championship: Randy Savage (c) vs. Ric Flair vs. Ultimate Warrior (SummerSlam 1992)

Not only was Ric Flair left out of the main event at the biggest SummerSlam of all time from Wembley Stadium, he wasn't included in the card at all. Instead, the storyline revolved around the question of who would have Flair and Mr. Perfect in their corner, Savage or Warrior? Well, it was rather anti-climactic when neither man aligned with Flair. Not to mention the march disappointed with a count out finish. A crowd of over 80,000 deserved better.

3. WWE Championship: Yokozuna (c) vs. Lex Luger vs. Bret Hart (WrestleMania X)

I'm not complaining about the way they booked this one at all, because we got to see Bret Hart wrestle twice including a classic against his brother Owen in the opener. But a triple threat was certainly a way they could have gone when they chose to crown co-winners of the 1994 Royal Rumble in Hart and Luger.

4. WWE Championship: The Undertaker (c) vs. Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (SummerSlam 1997)

Rather than see Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee between Taker and Bret, I would've loved to see him lace up the boots in a triple threat here. Bret and Shawn clearly had no love lost between themselves and it would have been great to see the feud intertwine with Taker and his championship. This could have been your Survivor Series main event as well and who knows, maybe if Taker had been chosen to go over, the Montreal Screwjob could have been avoided before Bret set sail for WCW. Doubtful, but possible.

5. WWE Championship: CM Punk (c) vs. The Rock vs. John Cena (WrestleMania XXIX)

The most recent and definitely the first one that comes to mind when I considered this question. I'll never quite understand why this match never took place, seeing how these 3 men were entangled in a feud since the previous August when Punk turned heel. He should have walked into Mania the reigning champ of over 500 days, not drop it at the Royal Rumble to The Rock. Some say that it should have been Punk vs. Taker, streak vs. streak, which I can get behind as well. However, by this time Taker's appearances were few and far between, so would it have been wise to have a 500+ day title reign come to an end for someone who would have to just turn around and drop it shortly thereafter? Oh wait, they did that. Maybe the only way to please everyone (or at least most) would have been for The Rock to win the championship at WM29 and lose it directly back to Punk in the rematch at Payback.
