A claim that the CEO of Twisted Tea Dave Burwick was one of the five passengers in the now-imploded OceanGate submersible has been making rounds on the internet. For the past many days, several social media videos have emerged that suggested that the head of the hard iced tea company was also present on the submarine which was on its way to observe the Titanic wreckage.

On June 18, 2023, five passengers, that included a 19-year-old boy, went missing after OceanGate's submersible, The Titan, lost contact one hour 45 minutes after taking the dive in North Atlantic. On June 22, it was announced that the submarine experienced a "catastrophic implosion" on the same day it took the dive and all the passengers were dead.

However, unlike the viral claim, the CEO of Twisted Tea was not present on The Titan submersible. The only passengers onboard were OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush, British billionaire Hamish Harding, French adventurer Paul-Henri Nargeolet, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his 19-year-old son Suleman.

The cause of the implosion was likely due to the immense water pressure at the ocean depth where the submersible was, as later, debris was found from The Titan near the Titanic wreckage.

All you need to know about Dave Burwick, the CEO of Twisted Tea

As per his LinkedIn profile, Dave Burwick obtained a Bachelor of Arts cum laude in history from Middlebury College in 1983. He then enrolled in Harvard Business School in 1989 and graduated with a Master of Business Administration degree.

In July 1989, Burwick joined PepsiCo, and for 12 years, served in various Marketing roles - from Assistant Brand Manager to SVP, Marketing. In June 2002, he became the Chief Marketing Officer of Pepsi-Cola North America. As per Bloomberg, he said:

“I decided between jobs at Pepsi and Microsoft. I have friends who went to Microsoft who would send me charts of the stock and what it did from 1989 to present-day.”

He left the company in September 2009.

Dave Burwick then became the President of the fitness company Weight Watchers and served the position from April 2010 to December 2012. According to Bloomberg, he said of his job:

“For me, it was proving to myself that I could take the skills I learned at Pepsi and apply them somewhere else, that I didn’t stay at Pepsi too long.”

He joined as the president and the CEO of Peet's Coffee in 2012 and remained there till April 2018. Of the coffee business, he said:

“Coffee is an incredible business: Everybody drinks coffee, and it’s growing rapidly. We’re going to open stores in Shanghai this year, and we just launched ready-to-drink cold brew in the Bay Area. Frappuccino was boomers, and millennials are drinking cold brew.”

Currently, he is the President and the CEO of The Boston Beer Company, which owns famed hard iced tea, Twisted Tea. Moreover, Burwick is also one of the Board Members of Decker Brands.

As per Twisted Tea's official website, the brand was started in 2001 in Cincinnati, Ohio, with the simple aim of concocting iced tea with different flavors and an added twist.

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